less than 1 minute read

As we are now confronted with environmental devastation, global pandemics, an economic system that fosters chaos in the world, and an inability to think clearly or collectively toward a viable way to the future, perhaps it is time to pick up where the Founding Fathers left off and continue to learn from the Haudenosaunee. What better time than now to consider the ancient wisdom of our ancestors who, for thousands of years, sustained a more equitable way of living in proper relationship with the natural world? Who better to model a world where women reside at the center of deliberations and nature exists as our relative—not just a resource?

Forming a “More Perfect Union” Through Indigenous Values by Sandra Bigtree and Philip P. Arnold:


Philip P. Arnold, "Forming a “More Perfect Union” Through Indigenous Values," Doctrine of Discovery Project (30 September 2020), https://doctrineofdiscovery.org/blog/union-Indigenous-values/.

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