All posts in the News category

News Articles

Domination and the Murder of George Floyd

less than 1 minute read

In CounterPunch, Shawnee/Lenape scholar Steve Newcomb connects anti-blackness and racism to the domination and dehumanization of the Doctrine of Discovery.

Haudenosaunee Democracy

less than 1 minute read

Academics, attorneys and religious leaders from as far away as Chile gathered at this site sacred to members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy to discuss the ...

RNS article about the conference

less than 1 minute read

The way Steven T. Newcomb describes the Doctrine of Discovery these days is ‘a claim of a right of Christian domination.’ It was first expressed by Pope Nich...

Roots of Peacemaking

3 minute read

2009 event archive ‘Roots of Peacemaking: Indigenous Values, Global Crisis’ is the first in an ongoing series of events that include conferences, cultural ex...