Repuidations of the Doctrine of Discovery by religious organizations and faith communities
Repuidations of the Doctrine of Discovery by religious organizations and faith communities
The idea that Chief Wahoo is somehow honoring Indigenous peoples and his removal is cancel culture is not only absurd but is the reinforcement of the mind...
We should note that from the perspective of Native Americans, religious freedom has never been a good tool.
To really understand the American landscape, you need to know about the Doctrine of Discovery. As a set of principles used to justify European colonizatio...
Whether the intent of domination expressed by that language is part of “official Church teachings” is irrelevant in my view. What is relevant is that, thr...
Watch Now Now Streaming Details The iconic film The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code is now streaming on Vimeo. You can rent or purchase...
Archbishop Cordileone said his ceremony was intended to drive out evil and defend the image of Serra.
The Doctrine of Christian Discovery and Domination comprises a worldview and promotes the legal and moral authority justifying the invasion and conquest of n...
Robert J Miller, Professor of Law in the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University gave a lecture entitled “Indigenous Peoples, Internat...
Members of the Mennonite Missions Network attended Mother Earth’s Pandemic: The Doctrine of Discovery conference and did some post events writeup
What better time than now to consider the ancient wisdom of our ancestors who, for thousands of years, sustained a more equitable way of living in proper rel...
In 1779, General George Washington suspended the colonial war against England and moved to extinguish the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations Iroquois) with his “Sull...
Federal Indian law displaces the historical ‘starting point’ — the original free existence of Native nations…
This article begins by raising a problem: when social change and justice issues are addressed, rarely are Indigenous nations and peoples considered.
Complete list of all of the talks and bonus content
As promising as this decision is, deeply racist problems remain in US law.Left unsaid by Gorsuch was his, and the court’s, unquestioned acceptance of “plenar...